This Shortcut lets you ask Siri for your to-do list or view it from your homescreen. You can filter out completed tasks and tasks that're due in more than X days. You can also choose a priority order for your tasks e.g. by due date or by priority.
The Shortcut is designed to work with any to-do list database, the template database is only intended to be used for testing :)
Setting Up The Shortcuts
First, copy the template from here, if you want to test the Shortcut using my database.
Then you'll need to copy two Apple Shortcuts - the Settings & the App.
Next, create an Internal Integration Token - video walkthrough / Notion's guide.
To configure the Settings Shortcut, update the Value column with the following details:
- For API Key, enter your Internal Integration Token
- For Database ID, enter the name of your To-Dos database
- For Sort By, enter the name of the property that you want to sort your to-do list by e.g. Due or Priority
- For Sort Type, enter the type of property that your Sort By property is e.g. Date or Select
- For Sort Order, enter ascending or descending. This will probably match the sort order of your to-do list in Notion. If you want to see to-dos that are due soonest, choose ascending. If you want to see to-dos that are the highest priority and your highest priority option is at the bottom of your select list, choose descending
- If the Title and Date properties in your to-dos database aren't Name and Due, enter the names of those properties for Title Name and Date Name
- For Due Within X Days, if you want to filter your to-do list, to exclude to-dos that are due more than X days in the future, enter a number. Changing that entry's type to number will break the shortcut 🙅♂️
- For Done Name, enter the property that you use to record whether a to-do is done or not. This can be a Checkbox, Status or Select property
- For Done Type, enter the type of property that your Done property is e.g. Checkbox, Status or Select
- For Done Label, enter the label of the option which indicates that a to-do is complete e.g. Complete. You can leave this field blank if your Done property is a checkbox
To configure the App Shortcut, open the Shortcut and choose the Settings Shortcut in the first Action. You should be prompted to do this when you open the Shortcut for the first time.